Category Archives: Buying

As the heartbeat of opportunity and innovation, New York City’s multifamily real estate market continues to captivate developers, investors, and entrepreneurs alike. Here at Virtuoso Realty Group, we…

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  • BY virtuosorealty
  • November 11, 2020

Important Things to Consider When Viewing a Property

Not many homeowners believe in love at first sight when it comes to property, and there’s nothing wrong with that.

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  • BY virtuosorealty
  • November 7, 2020

Incredible Tips on Relocating to a New Home

At some point in your life, there could come a time for you to leave your old home and move into a new and unfamiliar place.

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  • BY virtuosorealty
  • November 4, 2020

A Quintessential Guide to a Purchase Contract

Before getting your dream home, it always starts with a real estate purchase contract. These are legally binding agreements that are signed by home buyers and sellers to indicate that they both agree upon the terms and conditions of the contract, like the purchase price, closing date, and more. It’s important that you understand what […]

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When it comes to New York, you are bound to see a lot of expensive places, more so when you are looking for investment property sales in Manhattan.

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  • BY virtuosorealty
  • October 14, 2020

Local Home Buying Trends to Consider in 2021

Despite how the economy did a complete downturn because of the pandemic, the housing market has been one of the sectors that have highly supported the country’s economic recovery.

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  • BY virtuosorealty
  • October 12, 2020

How Do Mortgage Rates Affect Local Buying?

For those who are already planning to buy property, more often than not, you already know how interest rates can affect the prices or costs.

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When it comes to purchasing your Manhattan residential estate, you don’t want to settle for less.

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Many aspiring homeowners and investors want a home buying experience that is stress-free and won’t leave them with many worries.

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  • BY virtuosorealty
  • September 15, 2020

Amenities to Spot Around Manhattan Apartments for Sale

While you are on the hunt for the perfect Manhattan apartment for sale, make sure you are also looking at the amenities.

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